SERVICE TIMES THIS WEEKSunday 23 February 2025 at St John’s Church9.15am Morning Prayer10.00am Parish Eucharist6.00pm BCP Evening Prayer withDiscussion – St Johns HallWednesday 26 February9.15am Midweek Eucharist -St John’sMorning Prayer Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday8.00am St Luke’s Lady ChapelEvening Prayer Wednesdays5.30pm St Luke’s Lady ChapelSunday 2 March 2025 at St Luke’s9.00am Bubble Church10.00am Family Eucharist6.00pm BCP Evening Prayer withDiscussion – St Johns HallSt Luke’s Church is open on Mondays 10am – noonSt John’s Church is open on Wednesdays 10 am noon___________________________________________DATES FOR YOUR DIARYTuesday 11 March Lent CourseThursday 20 March Deanery SynodMonday 24 March Mothers’ Union talk - Paul BatesSunday 30 March Choral Evensong @ Clay HillSaturday 10 May May FayreSunday 18 May APCMSaturday 28 June Revue and display of talents__________________________________________COMMUNITY AT CLAY HILLYoga - Thursday 12 noon to 1.00pm St Luke’s ChurchClay Hill Singers – Friday 10.30-12 noon St Luke’s ChurchPlace of Welcome – Mondays 10.00am-12 noon St Luke’s (not Bank Holidays)_________________________________________NEW ELECTORAL ROLLThis year EVERYONE will come off the Electoral Roll and must re-apply. Bridget has the forms, and they can be sent electronically too. Here is the link: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Church Electoral Roll - Parish Resources Parish Resources Or ask Bridget to email the link to you.___________________________________________CHURCH BUILDING WORKS - UPDATEWe are most grateful for grants and donations already received. BUT we still have lots to raise If anyone would like to donate, please see our website or scan this special QR Fundraising Code____________________________________________WANTED!!!We need a parish DBS checker urgently!! Do you think you could help? If you have an eye for detail and competent online please speak to Mthr Mitzi for more information.____________________________________________MOTHERS’ UNION TALKOn Monday 24 March in St Luke’s Paul Bates willgive an illustrated talk about his work as aparamedic. Refreshments at 10.00am and the talk at 10.30am. All welcome_____________________________________________CLIMATE JUSTICE & DISCIPLESHIP LENT COURSEStarting on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm in St Luke’s for 5 weeks for more information please speak to Mthr Mitzi
SERVICE TIMES THIS WEEKSunday 23 February 2025 at St John’s Church9.15am Morning Prayer10.00am Parish Eucharist6.00pm BCP Evening Prayer withDiscussion – St Johns HallWednesday 26 February9.15am Midweek Eucharist -St John’sMorning Prayer Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday8.00am St Luke’s Lady ChapelEvening Prayer Wednesdays5.30pm St Luke’s Lady ChapelSunday 2 March 2025 at St Luke’s9.00am Bubble Church10.00am Family Eucharist6.00pm BCP Evening Prayer withDiscussion – St Johns HallSt Luke’s Church is open on Mondays 10am – noonSt John’s Church is open on Wednesdays 10 am noon___________________________________________DATES FOR YOUR DIARYTuesday 11 March Lent CourseThursday 20 March Deanery SynodMonday 24 March Mothers’ Union talk - Paul BatesSunday 30 March Choral Evensong @ Clay HillSaturday 10 May May FayreSunday 18 May APCMSaturday 28 June Revue and display of talents__________________________________________COMMUNITY AT CLAY HILLYoga - Thursday 12 noon to 1.00pm St Luke’s ChurchClay Hill Singers – Friday 10.30-12 noon St Luke’s ChurchPlace of Welcome – Mondays 10.00am-12 noon St Luke’s (not Bank Holidays)_________________________________________NEW ELECTORAL ROLLThis year EVERYONE will come off the Electoral Roll and must re-apply. Bridget has the forms, and they can be sent electronically too. Here is the link: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting & Church Electoral Roll - Parish Resources Parish Resources Or ask Bridget to email the link to you.___________________________________________CHURCH BUILDING WORKS - UPDATEWe are most grateful for grants and donations already received. BUT we still have lots to raise If anyone would like to donate, please see our website or scan this special QR Fundraising Code____________________________________________WANTED!!!We need a parish DBS checker urgently!! Do you think you could help? If you have an eye for detail and competent online please speak to Mthr Mitzi for more information.____________________________________________MOTHERS’ UNION TALKOn Monday 24 March in St Luke’s Paul Bates willgive an illustrated talk about his work as aparamedic. Refreshments at 10.00am and the talk at 10.30am. All welcome_____________________________________________CLIMATE JUSTICE & DISCIPLESHIP LENT COURSEStarting on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm in St Luke’s for 5 weeks for more information please speak to Mthr Mitzi